Introducing the Document Sharing feature where the owners and admins can control the document viewing permissions for all the members across their team. Learn more
Improved the search performance by adding a date filter to tables.
Improved the user experience when both single sign-on and two-factor authentication is enabled.
Fixed the issue with not being able to delete an annotation when the previous annotation stays focused, under certain circumstances.
Fixed the issue with redirection to the mobile app when viewing the web app in Safari, under certain circumstances.
Fixed the app crash on moving to the next annotation when there is only one annotation is in each page, under certain circumstances.
Under the hood improvements for security and performance.
Under the hood improvements for security and performance.
Improved the Slack integration process by adding the option to manually enter the channel ID as an alternative way to specify where (channel/direct) the notification should go in the Slack Workspace. Learn more
Added the "Preview Template" item in the template options.
Improved the user experience when adding a document with high height and small width (and vice versa).
Under the hood improvements for security and performance.
Under the hood improvements for security and performance.
Improved the widgets behaviour on iPad devices.
Under the hood improvements for security and performance.
Fixed the issue with not being able to schedule a fax sooner than a specific hour, under certain circumstances.
Fixed the issue with opening the actual fax file or respective confirmation page, if you open the other one first.
Under the hood improvements for security and performance.
Improved the user experience when trying to assign documents to someone else with long characters as the name.
Under the hood improvements for security and performance.
Fixed the app crash issue for fresh accounts when trying to upload a signature from file, under certain circumstances.